Saturday, September 15, 2012

Twas the Night before Take off..

Hello Friends!

Well tomorrow morning we take off from Omaha headed for DC. I am sooo excited! I woke up this morning and could hardly contain myself knowing I had just over 24 hours before I would be heading to the airport. Headed towards the experience of a lifetime. There are so many emotions right now, it would be really hard to explain just how I feel. I am so honored to have been chosen to be Nebraska's 2012 Children's Miracle Network Hosptials Champion! The wonderful people at Children's are now part of my family. I hope I make you proud! I have the utmost gratitude and respect for my medical team who has helped me get where I am today. Without them I know I wouldn't be here to share my story, my life. And I am blessed. Blessed for the many many gifts in my life. The many friends and family who love me and who have supported me even before I was born.   I am very excited for the next seven days. Seven days to meet and get to know so many other families who have expriences like mine. Seven days to make memories with my new Champion Family. Hold on tight, it's going to be a wild ride!!

Love to you all,